191 Variations in Scrivener’s 1881 Greek New Testament from Beza's 1598 Textus Receptus

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See Also Scrivener’s 1881 and Beza's 1598 Compared


Matthew 2:11

1598 Beza εὗρον
1881 Scrivener εἶδον

Footnote: In omnibus, εὗρον. vetustis exemplaribus scriptum erat, εἶδον viderunt. (In all things, εὗρον. In copies of the ancient codices it was written, εἶδον see it.)

  • 1582, (not yet sure)
  • 1589, (not yet sure)
Complutensian Polyglot
English Versions
Conclusion “And”

So even though Scrivener changed Beza's “εὗρον” to “εἶδον,” it is of no real significance because both mean “invenerunt” in Latin. All throughout the reformation in Matthew 2:11 they used “εἶδον,” “εὗρον,” and “invenerunt” side by side. In his Latin, Erasmus used “repererunt” (found) for “εὗρον” in 1516, but later editions say “invenerunt”. The Complutensian used the different “εἶδον,” but still had had “invenerunt” in Latin.

On Page 243 of The authorized edition of the English Bible (1611) its subsequent reprints and modern representatives by F. H. A. Scrivener Published 1884, it says that the Complutensian and the Bishops' have in place of "εἶδον" (for "εὗρον").

“they found (εὗρον),” is found in Minuscule 892

See Also

Matthew 9:18

Beza -
Scrivener εἷς
Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions
  • 1526 Lo there cam certayne ruler
  • 1534 beholde ther came a certayne ruler
  • 1535 beholde there came a certayne ruler
  • 1540 beholde, ther came a certayne ruler
  • 1549 behold there came a certaine rueler
  • 1568 beholde, there came a certayne ruler
  • 1587 beholde, there came a certaine ruler
  • 1611 beholde, there came a certaine ruler

Why did Scrivener claim that the KJV follows the Complutensian reading when the above English bibles have the same reading without following any Greek text with "εἷς".

Green in his 1976 interlinear of Scrivener has "one" above "εἷς" but considers it unimportant and in the LITV Translation on the side has "..behold, coming up a ruler bowed before him.." So he leaves the εἷς untranslated. In his Interlinear Greek New Testament Third Edition, he has "..behold, coming one ruler worshiped Him.." and εἷς has "one" above it.

Zodhiates and the Online bible both have εἷς meaning "a certain"

See Also

Matthew 10:10

  • 1884 ῥάβδους
  • 1598 ῥάβδον
  • 1550 ῥάβδον

Complutensian Polyglot
  • 1514 ῥάβδους
King James Version
Other English Versions

King James Translators' Notes say - "staves: Gr. a staff" but this is not in the 1611 margin.

Matthew 10:25

  • 1881 Βεελζεβοὺβ
  • 1598 Βεελζεβοὺλ
  • 1550 Βεελζεβοὺλ
  • 1551 Βεελζεβοὺλ
  • 1516 Βεελζεβοὺλ
Complutensian Polyglot
  • 1514 Βεελζεβοὺβ
King James Version
Other English Versions

Scrivener changed his 1881 Greek New Testament to Beelzebub in this verse as opposed to Beza's 1598 Greek Beelzeboul. But he was in error to do so because it can be easily explained by the translators second rule which stated

"The names of the prophets and the holy writers with the other names of the text to be retained as nigh as may be, accordingly as they were vulgarly used."

The name Beelzebub had been established in English, German, and Latin usage and so became the acceptable translation of Beelzeboul in translations. Others that read Beelzebub are Zwingli’s Swiss bible of 1531, Luther's 1565 Bible, the 1599 Nuremberg Polyglot have it in the German, Danish, Latin, Italian, Galice, and Bohemice. The Italian Diodoti of 1661 also has it. It was not a strange practice to alter proper names from the Greek text to a name more agreeable in its traditional English pronunciation, for example “Paulos” was altered to “Paul” (2 Timothy 1:1), “Looidi” is “Lois” (2 Timothy 1:5), “Euneika” to “Eunice” (2 Timothy 1:5), “Petros” to “Peter” (1 Peter 1:1), “Jakobos” to “James” (James 1:1), “Joudas” to “Jude” (Jude 1:1), and “Timotheo” to “Timothy” (1 Timothy 1:2), etc. If the translators were justified in converting the Greek spelling of proper names of people, why are they not justified in changing the proper name of “Beelzeboul” in Greek to “Beelzebub” in English? Surely Scrivener should have figured this out?

There are six passages which read “Beelzeboul” in the underlying Greek of Beza which is translated “Beelzebub” by the King James Version translators. The passages are Matthew 12:24, Matthew 12:27, Mark 3:22, Luke 11:15, Luke 11:18, and Luke 11:19. Beelzeboub appears in Scrivener’s Greek only in Matthew 10:25, but not in the other five passages it follows Beelzeboul which is the reading in Beza's 1598. Why he was inconsistent in Matthew 12:25 is because the Complutensian Polyglot only had Beelzebub in Matthew 10:25 but Beezeboul in all other places, so he matched it to that text in his failed attempt to reconstruct the Greek behind the King James Version.

Matthew 11:21

  • 1881 Βηθσαΐδά
  • 1598 Βηθσαϊδάν
Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

As with Beelzeboul/Beelzebub (above), Βηθσαϊδάν is translated as Bethsaida simply because it was the most commonly known name in 1611. Many of the differences between Scrivener and Beza involve a final nu.

Matthew 12:24

See Matthew 10:25 above

Matthew 12:27

See Matthew 10:25 above

Matthew 13:24

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 2:15

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

The first “Jesus” in English was added by William Tyndale in his 1534 edition followed by Miles Coverdale in his 1540 Great Bible, by John Rogers in his 1549 Matthew's Bible, by William Whittingham in the 1560 Geneva Bible, the translators of the 1568 Bishop's Bible, and so this method of translation was also adopted in the 1611 King James Version.

The Geneva bible which introduced Italics did not use them in this scripture for the first instance of "Jesus". Although the Geneva translators of 1557 would have been familiar with Theodore Beza´s Latin of 1556 (as he worked on the Genevan text and on the notes), the fact that the Geneva Bible, which was the first to include italics, did not place "Jesus" in italics here, suggest grammatical authority for the reading. All of the translations prior to the Geneva bible, also did not indicate words which were not in the Greek. Neither did Scrivener insert "Jesus" in his edition of the Textus Receptus in 1881, which he would have done if he was back translating from the KJV according to variant readings.

The 1611 did not use Italics here either which was their normal practice, also suggesting they did so because when “He/he” is used it could refer to “Levi” (from verse 14). Clarification was needed in English to differentiate between Levi and Jesus in the text, because the “auton,” or “he” could have refereed to either one of them. It was Jesus (first “auton”) who was sitting in Levi’s (second “autou”) house, not Levi. Clearly this could have been confusing to the English reader if literally translated “he,” thus the translators rightly translated “Jesus” for clarification for the English reader. It is doubtful that the Genevan translators and the King James translators would have left out the opportunity to place "Jesus" in italics here. In Theodore Beza´s Latin translation in his 1598 New Testament, which contains the Greek the translators used, is has in Latin, Iesus, clearly demonstrating that this concept flows into other languages also, including the Spanish Sagradas Escrituras 1569, the Reina Valera 1858, the Spanish Reina Valera 1960, 1995 and the Reina Valera Gómez of 2010, the 1744 French Martin and Ostervald versions, to name a few. Beza also has a footnote in the 1598 describing in Latin why the pronoun was changed into a noun. Another example of Greek being translated into Latin this way is in a 1825 printing of H. A. Schott´s edition of the Greek-Latin New Testament, which has a brief critical apparatus for both the Greek and the Latin, the Latin text reads as follows in Mark 2:15a:

"In cuius domo quum Jesus postea accubuisset, .....".

That this Latin translation reads "Jesus" here without placing it in a parentheses (or brackets).

A translator has every right to add brief, clarifying words or phrases to his translation of the underlying Greek language while at the same time he is not in violation of adding to the words. If anyone in the future translates this verse and translates the “auton” as “he” and not “Jesus,” providing this makes sense to the English reader (as the NKJV has done), the translator has not omitted the name of Jesus from the bible, as many of the King James Only omission charts assume. The capitalization of the “H” in “He” in the NKJV makes a distinction in the text, but may cause issues when listened to audibly.

Mark 3:22

See Matthew 10:25 above

Mark 4:18

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 5:38

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 6:45

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 6:53

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 9:42

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 13:9

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Mark 15:3

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Luke 3:31

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Luke 3:35

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Luke 11:15

See Matthew 10:25 above

Luke 11:18

See Matthew 10:25 above

Luke 11:19

See Matthew 10:25 above

Luke 17:36

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Stephanus made only a few changes in Erasmian text but added to the Erasmian text verse Luke 17:36. He took it from Codex Bezae. So the KJV translators said in the footnotes: This 36. verse is wanting in most of the Greek copies

John 8:6

Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

Ephesians 6:24

Beza - ἀμήν
Scrivener -
Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions

In Scrivener's TR he omits Amen in Ephesians 6:24. Actually if you look at the 1598 of Beza, it contains Amen in both the Greek, Latin, and Vulgate. The original 1611 KJV did not contain 'amen' due to a printing error. This 'typo' was corrected in 1616. Obviously Scrivener took this as a Textual Emendation rather than a printing error. So you could say that Scrivener was too literal in sticking with the 1611 in his TR. The Text of Beza, 1598 is the Textus Receptus behind the KJV.

Philippians 2:21

Beza -
Scrivener -
Complutensian Polyglot
King James Version
Other English Versions
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