Psalm 51 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Psa 51:1 <To the chiefe musition, a psalme of Dauid when the prophete Nathan came vnto hym after he was gone in to Bethsabe.> Haue mercie on me O Lorde accordyng to thy louyng kindnesse: accordyng vnto the multitudes of thy mercies wype out my wickednesse. Psa 51:2 Washe me throughly from myne iniquitie: and clense me from my sinne. Psa 51:3 For I do acknowledge my wickednesse: and my sinne is euer before me. Psa 51:4 Agaynst thee, only agaynst thee I haue sinned and done this euyll in thy sight: that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying, and founde pure when thou art iudged. Psa 51:5 Beholde, I was ingendred in iniquitie: and in sinne my mother conceaued me. Psa 51:6 Neuerthelesse, lo thou requirest trueth in the inwarde partes [of me]: & [therfore] thou wylt make me learne wisdome in the secrete [part of myne heart.] Psa 51:7 Purge thou me with hyssop and I shalbe cleane: washe thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe. Psa 51:8 Make thou me to heare [some] ioy and gladnesse: let the bones reioyce which thou hast broken. Psa 51:9 Turne thy face from my sinnes: and wype out all my misdeedes. Psa 51:10 Make thou vnto me a cleane heart O Lorde: and renue thou a ryght spirite within me. Psa 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence: and take not thy holy spirite from me. Psa 51:12 Geue me agayne the comfort of thy saluation: and confirme me with a free wyllyng spirite. Psa 51:13 Then wyll I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked: and sinners shalbe conuerted vnto thee. Psa 51:14 Deliuer me from blood O Lorde, the Lorde of my saluation: and my tongue shall sing with a ioyfull noyse of thy iustice. Psa 51:15 O Lorde open thou my lippes: and my mouth shall set foorth thy prayse. Psa 51:16 For thou desirest no sacrifice, els I would geue it thee: thou delightest not in a burnt offering. Psa 51:17 Sacrifices for God is a mortified spirite: O Lorde thou wylt not despise a mortified and an humble heart. Psa 51:18 Be thou beneficiall vnto Sion, according to thy gracious good wyll: buylde thou the walles of Hierusalem. Psa 51:19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousnes, with burnt offeringes and oblations: then wyll they offer young bullockes vpon thyne aulter.

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