Psalm 138 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Psa 138:1 <Of Dauid.> I wyll geue thankes vnto thee O God with my whole heart: I wyll sing psalmes vnto thee before the gods. Psa 138:2 I wyll make my lowe obeysaunce towarde thy holy temple: and I wyll prayse thy holy name in respect of thy louing kindnesse and trueth. (138:3) For thou hast magnified thy name: and thy worde aboue all thinges. Psa 138:3 (138:4) In the day [of myne aduersitie] I called vpon thee, and thou heardest me: thou enduedst my soule more and more with strength. Psa 138:4 (138:5) All the kinges of the earth will prayse thee O God: for they haue hearde the wordes of thy mouth. Psa 138:5 (138:6) Yea they wyll sing of the wayes of God: for great is the glory of God. Psa 138:6 (138:7) For though God be on high: yet he will haue respect vnto the lowly, and he wyll knowe the proude a farre of. Psa 138:7 (138:8) If I shall walke in the midst of trouble, thou wylt make me to liue: thou wylt stretche foorth thyne hande vpon the furiousnes of mine enemies, and thy right hande shall saue me. Psa 138:8 (138:9) God wyll finishe that he hath begun by me: O God thy louing kindnesse endureth for euer, thou wylt not forsake the workes of thyne owne handes.

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