Proverbs 15 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Pro 15:1 A soft aunswere appeaseth wrath: but rough wordes stirre vp anger. Pro 15:2 The tongue of such as be wise vseth knoweledge aryght: as for a foolishe mouth it babbleth out nothyng but foolishnesse. Pro 15:3 The eyes of the Lorde in euery place, beholdeth both the good and the bad. Pro 15:4 A wholsome tongue is a tree of lyfe: but the frowardnesse therof doth make sad the spirite. Pro 15:5 A foole dispiseth his fathers correction: but he that taketh heede when he is reproued, shall haue the more vnderstandyng. Pro 15:6 The house of the ryghteous is full of riches: but in the fruites of the vngodly there is trouble. Pro 15:7 The lippes of the wise do sowe knowledge: but the heart of the foolishe do not so. Pro 15:8 The Lorde abhorreth the sacrifice of the vngodly: but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable vnto hym. Pro 15:9 The way of the vngodly is an abhomination vnto the Lorde: but who so foloweth righteousnesse, him he loueth. Pro 15:10 Correction is greeuous vnto hym that forsaketh the way: and who so hateth correction shall dye. Pro 15:11 Hell and destruction are before the Lorde: howe much more then the heartes of the children of men? Pro 15:12 A scornefull body loueth not one that rebuketh hym: neither wyll he come vnto the wyse. Pro 15:13 A mery heart maketh a chearfull countenaunce: but by the sorowe of the heart the mynde is heauy. Pro 15:14 The heart of hym that hath vnderstandyng doth seke knowledge: but the mouth of fooles is fed with foolishnesse. Pro 15:15 All the dayes of the poore are miserable: but a quiet heart is a continuall feast. Pro 15:16 Better is a litle with the feare of the Lorde: then great treasure, and trouble therwith. Pro 15:17 Better is a dynner of hearbes with loue, then a fat oxe with euyll wyll. Pro 15:18 An angry man stirreth vp strife: but he that is patient stylleth discorde. Pro 15:19 The way of a slouthfull man is as an hedge of thornes: but the way of the ryghteous is playne. Pro 15:20 A wyse sonne maketh a glad father: but a foolishe man dispiseth his mother. Pro 15:21 Foolishnesse is ioy to him that is destitute of knowledge: but a man of vnderstandyng walketh vprightly. Pro 15:22 Thoughtes without counsayle shall come to naught: but wheras men are that can geue good counsayle, there is stedfastnesse. Pro 15:23 A ioyfull thing it is to a man whe his counsayle is folowed: and howe good is a worde spoken in season. Pro 15:24 The way of lyfe is on hygh to the wise, that a man shoulde beware of hell beneath. Pro 15:25 The Lorde wyll breake downe the house of the proude: but he shall make fast the borders of the wydowe. Pro 15:26 The Lorde abhorreth the imaginations of the wicked: but the wordes of the pure are pleasaunt. Pro 15:27 The greedy couetous man rooteth vp his owne house: but who so hateth rewardes shall lyue. Pro 15:28 The heart of the ryghteous studyeth his aunswere afore: but the wicked mans mouth spueth out mischiefe. Pro 15:29 The Lorde is farre from the vngodly: but he heareth the prayer of the ryghteous. Pro 15:30 The clearnes of the eye reioyseth the heart, & a good name feedeth the bones. Pro 15:31 The eare that hearkeneth to the refourmation of lyfe, shall dwell among the wyse. Pro 15:32 He that refuseth to be refourmed, dispiseth his owne soule: but he that submitteth him selfe to correction, is wyse. Pro 15:33 The feare of the Lorde is the ryght science of wisdome, and lowlynesse goeth before honour.

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