Article: Matthew 27:44 cast in teeth by Will Kinney

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Matthew 27:44 "Cast the same in his teeth

" He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth."

James White has produced a book called The King James Only Controversy. It contains a great deal of misinformation, unjust criticism, and outright hypocricy in his attacks on the King James Bible.

On page 231 Mr. White discusses paraphrases in the various versions and says: "The KJV is not free from "dynamic" translations. At times the translators were actually quite free with their terms. They translated the rather straightforward term "reviled" as "cast the same in his teeth" at Matthew 27:44 (there is no word "teeth" in the Greek text)." End of quote. Again, Mr. White is not completely accurate. The single word 'oneidizo' is translated as "cast in his teeth"; the part about "the same" is actually in the Greek text as separate words in this sentence.

I do not dispute that there are a few instances when the KJB paraphrases some constructions while retaining the intended meaning of the phrase, but the number these is much fewer than the other versions. On the whole the KJB gives us a far more literal rendering of the underlying Hebrew and Greek texts than the NKJV, NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV and others. If you want proof of how the NASB (for whom James White presently works) is far less literal in scores of verses, please see my article "The ever-changing 'literal' NASB" here: ever changing NASBs

The exact phrase in Greek found in Matthew 27:44 is different from the one in Mark 15:32 which is translated as "reviled him". Here in Matthew 27 there are extra words added in all the texts which make it extremely awkward to translate them literally. In fact, none of the versions, including the NKJV, NASB, NIV,take a literal approach but they ALL paraphrase to some extent.

The Greek here reads: "To d' auto (kai hoi leestai hoi sustaurothentes autoo) ooneidizon auton" which would be something like "and the same also the thieves the ones were crucified with him reviled him".

Here are some of the different ways various versions have rendered this construction. It should be noted that none of them is a stricly literal rendering. All of them are "paraphrases".

The NASB keeps on changing from one edition to the next. The changes introduced in the 1995 NASB update where it differs from the 1977 edition affect 10,616 verses and directly affect 24,338 words. There are only 4,704 changes in capitalization, 32 in spelling, and 30 in italics. This makes 19,572 corrections involving word omissions, additions, transpositions, or substitutions to the text of the NASB 1977. There are 6,966 fewer words in the 1995 edition than there were in the 1977 NASB. These are not all just different ways of saying the same thing -the NASB of 1995 has actually altered the text itself, by adding whole phrases which were not found in the 1977 edition. Every example of these changes is documented in a book by Laurence M. Vance titled Double Jeopardy, published in 1998. It can be obtained by calling 850-474-1626 or by going to

In the 1977 edition the NASB has: "were casting the same insults at Him", but in the 1995 edition it says: "were also insulting Him with the same words". In both editions, there are words added that are not found in any Greek text. Both editions rearrange the word order; "the same" is not connected with insults in the one, and there is no word for "words" in the 1995 NASB. Mr. White said it should be "reviled" yet neither NASB uses this word.

NIV - "also heaped insults on Him" - omits "the same", which is found in the KJB and in all Greek texts.

NKJV - "reviled Him with the same things" - again there is no "with" or "things" in any text, and the word order is again changed.

Young's - "were reproaching him" - omits "and the same".

NEB, NRSV - "taunted him in the same way" - no word for "way".

Bible in Basic English - "said evil words to him".

Contemporary English Version - "said cruel things to Jesus".

New Life Version - "made fun of him in the same way".

The expression "to cast in one's teeth" is not archaic or hard to understand. It effectively communicates the meaning intended here. In Dictionary.Com and in Webster's Dictionary the expression is listed as meaning "to upbraid or abuse one for something".

It should be noted that the KJB does not stand alone in rendering this awkward Greek construction as "cast the same in his teeth". So also do the following Bible versions: The Tyndale New Testament 1534, Miles Coverdale 1535, Matthew's Bible 1551, the Great Bible (Cranmer's bible) 1569, The Bishop's Bible 1577, Daniel Webster's 1833 translation, Rotherham's Emphasized Bible 1902, and in more modern times we also have the Third Millenium Bible and the KJV 21st Century Version. Not only do all these versions render the phrase in the exact same way as the KJB but even the Living Bible of 1981 says: "And the robbers also threw the same in his teeth."! The New English Bible of 1970 translates this same Greek word in 1 Peter 4:14 as: "If Christ's name IS FLUNG IN YOUR TEETH AS AN INSULT, count yourselves happy."

There are many examples in the NASB and NIV where they are not nearly as literal as the King James Bible, nor even as the previous Revised Version of 1881 nor the American Standard Version of 1901. Here are just a few examples:

Matthew 1:25 "And KNEW HER NOT till she had brought forth her FIRSTBORN son; and he called his name JESUS." Aside from the fact that the word "firstborn" is found in the vast Majority of all Greek texts, including C and D, and is found in the Old Latin, the Vulgate, the Syriac Peshitta and Harkelian, the Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopic and Slavonic ancient versions, the NASB, NIV,RSV and Holman omit this word because not in Sinaiticus nor Vaticanus.

However the phrase "And he knew her not" (kai ouk eginoosken auteen) is the reading of all manuscripts and is the correct literal translation found in the RV, ASV, NKJV,RSV and the ESV of 2001. But the NASB paraphrases this as: "but he kept her a virgin", the NIV says: "he had no union with her" and the Holman has: "he did not know her intimately".

In Luke 2:36 all Greek texts read as does the King James Bible with: "she was of great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her VIRGINITY" (parthenios). So read the RV, ASV, NKJV, RSV and the ESV. However the NASB and NIV totally paraphrase this by saying "from her MARRIAGE". The Holman also says "marriage" but then footnotes for us that the literal word is "virginity". There is an entirely different Greek word for "marriage". (gamos)

In Luke 9:44 all the Bible versions have a paraphrase of sorts, but the NIV goes beyond most. The Lord Jesus says to His disciples: "Let these sayings SINK DOWN INTO your ears". The 'literal' Greek says "Place you into your ears these sayings (or words)". Agreeing with the King James reading are the NKJV,RV, ASV, NASB, RSV, NRSV, and ESV. The Holman has: "Let these words sink in", thus omitting the literal "your ears", while the NIV reads: "Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you."

In Luke 12:33 the Lord says: "Sell that ye have, and give ALMS" (eleemosuneen). "Alms" is the literal meaning and the reading found in the RV, ASV, NKJV,RSV and the NRSV. However the NASB paraphrases this as: "give TO CHARITY"; the NIV and Holman have: "give TO THE POOR" and the ESV paraphrases as "give TO THE NEEDY".

In Luke 12:35 the literal Greek and the reading of the King James Bible is "LET YOUR LOINS BE GIRDED ABOUT, and your lights burning." (estoosan humoon hai osphues periezoosmenai) So also read the RV, ASV, and the RSV of 1952. The NKJV is slightly wrong with: "Let your WAIST be girded", whereas the NASB, NIV,ESV go way overboard in paraphrasing. The NASB says: "BE DRESSED IN READINESS"; the NIV "BE DRESSED FOR READY SERVICE"; and the ESV has "STAY DRESSED FOR ACTION" and then kindly footnotes for us the literal Greek as "Let your loins be girded".

In Luke 12:50 all Greek texts have the Lord Jesus saying: "But I have a baptism TO BE BAPTIZED WITH" (baptistheenai) and so read the RV, ASV, NKJV, RSV,NRSV, ESV and Holman, but the NASB and NIV totally paraphrase this as: "But I have a baptism TO UNDERGO".

If being literal is generally a good thing to do when possible, then the King James Bible is far, far more literal than the NASB, and especially the NIV. I marvel at so many who go around telling us the NASB is such a "literal translation". It is not. A real eye opener for those who think the NASB is such a great literal translation, may I suggest you read my comparative study of the vaunted NASB called The Ever-Changing "literal" NASB, found here:

ever changing NASBs

Of a far more serious nature than the occasional "paraphrase" found in the King James Bible is the multitude of textual changes found in the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV. Each of these modern versions departs scores of times from the Hebrew Masoretic text, and often not in the same places as the others. The New Testament text of each of these versions differs from each other and they omit over 5,000 words from the text found in the King James Bible.

The ultimate question we have to ask ourselves is: Did God in fact preserve His infallible words in the Holy Bible as He promised or didn't He? Either the KJB has added to God's word or the new versions, which also differ among themselves, have taken away some of God's words. They both cannot be the pure, perfect, preserved words of the living God.

In this single chapter of Matthew 27 there are several representative alterations that illustrate the problem. In verse 19 Pilate's wife says: "Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have sufered many things THIS DAY in a dream because of him." All texts say "this day" (seemeron) and so do the NKJV, RV, ASV, NIV but the NASB says "LAST NIGHT". Can they tell the difference between night and day?

In verse 24 Pilate says: "I am innocent of the blood of this JUST person: see ye to it."

The word "just" or "righteous" is found in most manuscripts, Sinaiticus, the Revised Version and the ASV, but Vaticanus omits the word and now the NIV, NASB, ESV have rejected this previous accepted reading. So the NIV says: "I am innocent of this man's blood". The omission of this single word alters the testimony of even the enemies of our Lord as to His perfect character.

In verse 35 the whole phrase: "THAT IT MIGHT BE FULFILLED WHICH WAS SPOKEN BY THE PROPHET, THEY PARTED MY GARMENTS AMONG THEM, AND UPON MY VESTURE DID THEY CAST LOTS", which is a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Psalm 22, is found in the KJB, NKJV, Tyndale, Geneva, Young's, TMB, KJV 21, French Louis Segond, Italian Diodati, Spanish Reina Valera, German Luther Bible, Rumanian bible, Portuguese, Danish, the Modern Greek and many others both ancient and modern. These words are found in many Old Latin copies which predate anything we have in Greek, and in many Greek copies both uncial and cursive, yet the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV and many modern versions completely omit these 25 words. Did God inspire them or not?

In verse 42 the mockers said: "IF he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him." Here the little word IF is omitted by the NASB, NIV so that it reads: "He is the King of Israel; let Him now come down..." Not quite the same meaning is it? So, which one is right, or does it even matter?

In verse 49 "the rest said, LET BE, let us see whether Elias will come to save him." Here the words LET BE are found in all Greek texts and even in the NIV,RV, ASV but the NASB chose to omit them. Likewise the words "the body" are omitted in verse 58 and "by night" in verse 64 of the NASB, NIV but are found in the KJV, NKJV and an host of other versions.

These are only a very few of the literally hundreds of similar examples that can be pointed out in chapter after chapter of God's word. Are we to believe Bible "experts" like James White who recommends such diverse and contradictory versions like the NKJV, NIV and NASB as being "reliable" versions, even though they differ from each other in hundreds of verses in both meaning and text, or should we believe what God said about preserving His pure words? "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35

Will Kinney

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