Proverbs 4 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Pro 4:1 Heare O ye chyldren a fatherly instruction, & take good heede, that ye may learne vnderstanding. Pro 4:2 For I haue geuen you a good doctrine, forsake not ye my lawe. Pro 4:3 For when I my selfe was my fathers deare sonne, and tenderly beloued of my mother: Pro 4:4 He taught me also and sayde vnto me, let thyne heart receaue my wordes, kepe my commaundementes and thou shalt liue. Pro 4:5 Get thee wysdome, and get thee vnderstanding: forget not the wordes of my mouth, and shrinke not from them. Pro 4:6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserue thee, loue her, and she shall kepe thee. Pro 4:7 The chiefe poynt of wysdome, is to possesse wysdome: and before all thy goodes to get thee vnderstanding. Pro 4:8 Make much of her, and she shall promote thee, yea if thou embrace her, she shall bryng thee vnto honour: Pro 4:9 She shal beautifie thy head with manyfolde graces, and garnishe thee with a crowne of glory. Pro 4:10 Heare my sonne, and receaue my wordes, and the yeres of thy life shalbe many. Pro 4:11 I haue shewed thee the way of wysdome, & led thee into the right pathes. Pro 4:12 So that if thou goest in them, there shall no straitnesse hinder thee: & when thou runnest, thou shalt not fall. Pro 4:13 Take fast holde of doctrine, and let her not go: kepe her, for she is thy life. Pro 4:14 Come not in the pathe of the vngodlye, and walke not in the way of the wicked: Pro 4:15 Abhorre it and go not therein, depart aside, and passe ouer by it. Pro 4:16 For they sleepe not except they haue done mischiefe: and sleepe is taken from them, vntyll they haue done harme. Pro 4:17 For they eate the bread of wickednes, and drinke the wine of robberie. Pro 4:18 The path of the righteous shineth, as the light that is euer bryghter and bryghter vnto the perfect day. Pro 4:19 But the way of the vngodly is as the darkenesse, they knowe not where they fall. Pro 4:20 My sonne marke my wordes, and encline thyne eare vnto my sayinges: Pro 4:21 Let them not depart from thine eyes, but kepe them euen in the middest of thyne heart: Pro 4:22 For they are life vnto those that finde them, and health vnto all their bodyes. Pro 4:23 Kepe thyne heart with all diligence, for out of it issueth lyfe. Pro 4:24 Put away from thee a frowarde mouth, and let the lippes of slaunder be farre from thee. Pro 4:25 Let thyne eyes beholde that thyng that is right, and let thyne eye liddes loke straight before thee. Pro 4:26 Ponder the path of thy feete, and let all thy wayes be ordred aright. Pro 4:27 Turne not aside, neither to the right hande nor to the left: but wihholde thy foote from euyll.

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