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03100 Yow’el yo-ale’

from 03068 and 0410, Greek 2493 Iwhl; ; n pr m

AV-Joel 19; 19

Joel =" Jehovah is God"

1) son of Pethuel and the 2nd of the 12 minor prophets with a book by his name; probably prophesied in the time of king Uzziah of Judah

2) eldest son of Samuel the prophet and father of Heman the singer

3) a Simeonite chief

4) a Reubenite

5) a chief of Gad

6) son of Izrahiah and a chief of Issachar

7) brother of Nathan of Zobah and one of David’s mighty warriors

8) son of Pedaiah and a chief of the half tribe of Manasseh west of the Jordan in the time of David

9) a son of Nebo who returned with Ezra and had a foreign wife

10) a Benjamite, son of Zichri

11) a Levite

12) a Kohathite Levite in the reign of Hezekiah

13) a Gershonite Levite chief in the time of David

14) a Gershonite Levite, son of Jehiel and a descendant of Laadan; maybe same as 13

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