1 Samuel 3 Bishops' Bible 1568

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1Sa 3:1 And the chylde Samuel ministred vnto the Lorde before Eli, and the worde of the Lord was precious in those dayes, neither was there any open vision. 1Sa 3:2 And as at that tyme Eli lay in his place, his eyes began to waxe dymme that he coulde not see. 1Sa 3:3 And yet the lampe of God went out, Samuel layde hym downe to sleepe in the temple of the Lord, where the arke of God was. 1Sa 3:4 And the Lorde called Samuel. And he aunswered, I am here. 1Sa 3:5 And he ran vnto Eli, and sayde: Here am I, for thou calledst me. And he said, I called thee not, go againe and sleepe. And he went, and layde hym downe to sleepe. 1Sa 3:6 And the Lorde called once againe, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and sayde: I am here, for thou diddest call me. And he aunswered: I called thee not my sonne, go againe and sleepe. 1Sa 3:7 Samuel knewe not yet the Lorde, neither was the worde of the Lorde yet opened vnto hym. 1Sa 3:8 And the Lorde went to, and called Samuel the thirde tyme. And he arose and went to Eli, and saide: I am here, for thou hast called me. And Eli perceaued that the Lord had called the childe. 1Sa 3:9 Therefore Eli sayde vnto Samuel: Go and sleepe, and yf he call thee, then say: Speake Lorde, for thy seruaunt heareth thee. So Samuel went, and slept in his place. 1Sa 3:10 And the Lorde came, and stoode and called as before, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel aunswered: Speake, for thy seruaunt heareth. 1Sa 3:11 And the Lorde saide to Samuel: Beholde, I wyll do a thing in Israel, that both the eares of as many as heareth it shall tyngle. 1Sa 3:12 In that day, I wyll rayse vp against Eli all thynges whiche I haue spoken concernyng his house: when I begyn, I wyll also make an ende. 1Sa 3:13 I haue tolde hym that I wyll iudge his house for euer, for the wickednesse which he knoweth: For whe [the people] cursed his sonnes for ye same [wickednesse] he hath not corrected them. 1Sa 3:14 And therfore I haue sworne vnto the house of Eli, that the wickednesse of Elies house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offeryng for euer. 1Sa 3:15 Samuel slept vntyl the mornyng, and opened the doores of the house of the Lorde: and Samuel feared to shewe Eli the vision. 1Sa 3:16 Then Eli called Samuel, and sayde: Samuel, my sonne. And he aunswered: Here am I. 1Sa 3:17 He saide: What is that the Lord hath saide vnto thee? I pray thee hyde it not from me: God do so to thee, & more also, if thou hyde any thyng from me of all that he sayde vnto thee. 1Sa 3:18 And Samuel tolde hym euerywhyt, and hyd nothyng from hym. And he saide: It is the Lord, let hym do what seemeth hym good. 1Sa 3:19 And Samuel grewe, and the Lorde was with hym, and left none of his wordes vnperfourmed. 1Sa 3:20 And all Israel, from Dan to Beerseba, wyst that faythfull Samuel was the Lordes prophete. 1Sa 3:21 And the Lorde appeared againe in Silo: for the Lorde opened him selfe to Samuel in Silo, through the worde of the Lorde.

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