Numbers 30 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Num 30:1 And Moyses spake vnto the heades of the tribes concernyng the children of Israel, saying: This is the thyng which the Lorde hath commaunded. Num 30:2 If a man vowe vnto the Lorde, or sweare an othe to bynde his soule: he shall not go backe with his worde, but shall fulfyll all that is proceeded out of his mouth. Num 30:3 If a woman also vowe a vowe vnto the Lorde, & bynde her selfe being in her fathers house in the tyme of her youth: Num 30:4 And her father heare her vowe and bonde which she hath made vpon her soule, & holde his peace therto: then all her vowes and bondes which she hath made vpo her soule, shal stande in effect. Num 30:5 But and if her father disalowe her the same day that he heareth al her vowes and bondes which she hath made vpon her soule: they shall not be of value, and the Lorde shall forgeue her, because her father disalowed her. Num 30:6 If she had an husbande, when she vowed or pronounced ought out of her lippes, wherwith she bounde her soule: Num 30:7 And her husbande hearde it, and helde his peace therat the same day he hearde it: then her vowes shall stande, and her bondes wherwith she bounde her soule, shall stande in effect. Num 30:8 And if her husbande disalowe her the same day that he hearde it, then he shall make her vowe which she hath vpon her, and the openyng of her lippes wherwith she bounde her soule, of none effect, and the Lorde shall forgeue her. Num 30:9 But euery vowe of a widowe, and of her that is deuorsed, that they haue bounde their soule withall, shall stande in effect with them. Num 30:10 If she vowed in her husbandes house, or bounde her soule with an othe: Num 30:11 And her husbande hearde it, and helde his peace concernyng her, & disalowed her not: then all her vowes shal stande, and euery bonde wherwith she bounde her soule, shall stande. Num 30:12 But if her husbande disanulled them the same day yt he hearde them: then nothyng that proceedeth out of her lippes in vowes and bondes wherwith she bounde her soule, shall stande in effect: for her husbande hath disanulled them, and the Lorde shall forgeue her. Num 30:13 All vowes and othes that binde to humble the soule, may her husbande stablishe or breake. Num 30:14 But if her husbande holde his peace from one day to another, then he stablissheth all her vowes & bondes which she had vpon her: he confirmeth them, because he helde his peace concernyng her the same day that he hearde them. Num 30:15 But if he breake them, after that he hath hearde them, he shall beare her sinne hym selfe. Num 30:16 These are the ordinaunces which the Lord commaunded Moyses betweene a man and his wyfe, and betweene the father and his daughter, beyng yet a damsell in her fathers house.

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