Philemon 1 Coverdale Bible 1535

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Phm 1:1 Paul the presoner of Iesu Christ, and brother Timotheus. Vnto Philemon the beloued, and oure helper, Phm 1:2 and to the beloued Appia, and to Archippus or felowe soudyer, and to the congregacion in thy house. Phm 1:3 Grace be with you, and peace from God oure father and from the LORDE Iesus Christ. Phm 1:4 I thanke my God, makynge mencion allwayes of the in my prayers Phm 1:5 (for so moch as I heare of thy loue and faith which thou hast on the LORDE Iesu, and towarde all sayntes) Phm 1:6 that oure comen faith maye be frutefull in the, thorow knowlege of all ye good that ye haue in Christ Iesu. Phm 1:7 Greate ioye and consolacion haue I in thy loue. For by the (brother) the sayntes are hertely refresshed. Phm 1:8 Wherfore though I haue great boldnes in Christ to commaunde the that which becommeth the, Phm 1:9 yet for loues sake I rather beseke ye, though I be as I am, eue Paul aged, and now a presoner also of Iesu Christ. Phm 1:10 I beseke the for my sonne Onesimus (whom I haue begotten in my bondes) Phm 1:11 which in tyme past was to the vnprofitable, but now profitable both to the and me. Phm 1:12 Whom I haue sent agayne: but receaue thou him (that is) euen myne awne hert. Phm 1:13 For I wolde haue kepte him styll with me, that in thy steade he might haue mynistred vnto me in ye bondes of ye Gospell: Phm 1:14 Neuertheles without thy mynde wolde I do nothinge, that ye good which thou doest, shulde not be of compulsion, but wyllingly. Phm 1:15 Happly he therfore departed for a season, that thou shuldest receaue him for euer: Phm 1:16 not now as a seruaunt, but aboue a seruaunt, euen a brother beloued, specially to me, but how moch more vnto ye, both in ye flesh and in the LORDE? Phm 1:17 Yf thou holde me for thy companyon, receaue him then euen as my selfe. Phm 1:18 But yf he haue hurte the, or oweth the oughte, that laye to my charge. Phm 1:19 I Paul haue wrytten it with myne awne hande. I wil recompence it: so that I do not saye vnto ye, how that thou owest vnto me euen thine owne selfe. Phm 1:20 Euen so brother, let me enioye the in the LORDE: refresh thou my hert in the LORDE. Phm 1:21 Trustinge in thine obediece, I haue wrytten vnto the, for I knowe that thou wilt do more then I saye. Phm 1:22 Morouer prepare me lodginge, for I hope that thorow youre prayers I shalbe geuen vnto you. Phm 1:23 There saluteth the, Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christ Iesu, Phm 1:24 Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my helpers. Phm 1:25 The grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with youre sprete, Amen.

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