Scriptures Containing 32

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Re 18:21 And a mighty angel <32> took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. Re 19:17 And I saw an angel <32> standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; Re 20:1 And I saw an angel <32> come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Re 21:9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels <32> which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. Re 21:12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels <32>, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: Re 21:17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel <32>. Re 22:6 And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel <32> to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. Re 22:8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel <32> which shewed me these things. Re 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel <32> to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

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