Portal:Bible Concordance

From Textus Receptus

Revision as of 10:30, 31 August 2009 by Nick (Talk | contribs)
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See Also

Strong's Concordance

This is the Bible Concordance portal. This concordance will use strongs nubering system but will be supported by the Textus Receptus and the Massoretic Text.

This Concordance includes:

  • Αα Alpha
  • Ββ Beta
  • Γγ Gamma
  • Δδ Delta
  • Εε Epsilon
  • Ζζ Zeta
  • Ηη Eta
  • Θθ Theta
  • Ιι Iota
  • Κκ Kappa
  • Λλ Lambda
  • Μμ Mu
  • Νν Nu
  • Ξξ Xi
  • Οο Omicron
  • Ππ Pi
  • Ρρ Rho
  • Σσς Sigma
  • Ττ Tau
  • Υυ Upsilon
  • Φφ Phi
  • Χχ Chi
  • Ψψ Psi
  • Ωω Omega
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