Jeremiah 47 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Jer 47:1 These are the wordes that the Lorde spake vnto Ieremie the prophete against the Philistines, before that Pharao smote [the citie of] Azah. Jer 47:2 Thus saith the Lorde: Beholde, there shal waters arise out of the north, and shall growe to a great fludde, running ouer & couering the lande and all that is therin, the cities and them that dwel therin: and the men shal crye, & all they that dwel in the land shal mourne Jer 47:3 At the noyse and stamping of their strong barbed horses, at the shaking of their charrets, and at the rumbling of the wheeles: the fathers shall not looke to their chyldren, so feeble and weerie shall their handes be, Jer 47:4 At the same tyme when he shalbe there to destroy the whole lande of the Philistines, he shall make waste both Tyrus, Sidon, and the residue of their ayde: for the Lorde wyll destroy the Philistines, the remnaunt of the Ile of Caphtor. Jer 47:5 Baldnesse is come vpon Azah, Ascalon is put to scilence, with the rest of their valleys: Howe long wylt thou teare thy selfe? Jer 47:6 O thou sworde of the Lorde, howe long wylt thou not ceasse? Turne againe into thy sheath, rest, and leaue of. Jer 47:7 But how can it ceasse, when the Lord him selfe hath geuen it a charge against Ascalon, and raysed it vp against the cities of the sea coast?

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