Psalm 115 Bishops' Bible 1568

From Textus Receptus

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(New page: Psa 115:1 Geue praise not vnto vs O God, not vnto vs, but vnto thy name: for thy louing mercy, and for thy truethes sake. Psa 115:2 Wherfore shal the Heathen say: where is nowe their God? ...)
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Psa 115:1 Geue praise not vnto vs O God, not vnto vs, but vnto thy name: for thy louing mercy, and for thy truethes sake. Psa 115:2 Wherfore shal the Heathen say: where is nowe their God? Psa 115:3 Truely our Lorde is in heauen: he hath done whatsoeuer pleased him. Psa 115:4 Their idols are siluer and gold: euen the workes of mens handes. Psa 115:5 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes and see not. Psa 115:6 They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smell not. Psa 115:7 They haue handes and handle not, they haue feete and walke not: and they vtter no sounde out of their throtes. Psa 115:8 They that make them are lyke vnto them: euery one that putteth his trust in them. Psa 115:9 But Israel trust thou in God: he is their ayde and their shielde. Psa 115:10 Ye house of Aaron trust you in God: he is their ayde and their shielde. Psa 115:11 Ye that feare God, trust ye in God: he is their ayde and their shielde. Psa 115:12 God hath ben myndfull of vs, he wyll blesse vs: he wyll blesse the house of Israel, he wyll blesse the house of Aaron. Psa 115:13 He wyll blesse those that feare God: the small with the great. Psa 115:14 God wyll encrease you more and more: both you and also your children. Psa 115:15 Ye are the blessed of God: which made heauen and earth. Psa 115:16 The heauen, the heauen [I say] is Gods: and he hath geuen the earth vnto the children of men. Psa 115:17 The dead prayse not thee O Lorde: neither all they that go downe into the [place] of scilence. Psa 115:18 But we wyll prayse the Lord: from this tyme foorth for euermore. Prayse ye the Lorde.

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