Psalm 79 Bishops' Bible 1568
From Textus Receptus
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(New page: Psa 79:1 <A psalme of Asaph.> O Lord, the heathen are come into thyne inheritaunce: they haue defiled thy holy temple, they haue made Hierusale an heape [of stones] Psa 79:2 They haue geue...)
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Psa 79:1 <A psalme of Asaph.> O Lord, the heathen are come into thyne inheritaunce: they haue defiled thy holy temple, they haue made Hierusale an heape [of stones] Psa 79:2 They haue geuen the dead bodies of thy seruauntes to be meate vnto the foules of the ayre: and the fleshe of thy saintes vnto the beastes of the lande. Psa 79:3 They haue shed their blood like water on euery syde of Hierusalem: and there is none to burie them. Psa 79:4 We are become an open shame vnto our neyghbours: a very scorne and derision vnto them that are rounde about vs. Psa 79:5 O God, howe long wylt thou be angry? shall thy ielousie burne lyke fire for euer? Psa 79:6 Powre out thine indignation vpon the Heathen that haue not knowen thee: and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vpon thy name. Psa 79:7 For they haue deuoured Iacob: and layde waste his dwelling place. Psa 79:8 O remember not against vs sinnes that be past, with all speede let thy tender mercy preuent vs: for we are brought very lowe. Psa 79:9 Helpe vs O Lord of our saluation for the glory of thy name: deliuer vs, and be mercyfull vnto our sinnes for thy names sake. Psa 79:10 Wherefore do the Heathen say, where is nowe their God? let the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes blood that is shed, be [openly knowen] amongst the Heathen in our sight. Psa 79:11 Let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee, accordyng vnto the greatnes of thy power: preserue thou those that [are] appoynted to dye. Psa 79:12 And rewarde thou our neighbours seuen folde into their bosome: their blasphemie wherewith they haue blasphemed thee O God. Psa 79:13 So we who be thy people and sheepe of thy pasture wyll confesse thee for euer: and we wyll alway set foorth in wordes thy prayse, from generation to generation.