Numbers 34 Bishops' Bible 1568

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(New page: Num 34:1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: Num 34:2 Commaunde the children of Israel, and say vnto them: When ye come into the lande of Chanaan, this is the lande that shall fall vn...)
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(New page: Num 34:1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: Num 34:2 Commaunde the children of Israel, and say vnto them: When ye come into the lande of Chanaan, this is the lande that shall fall vn...)

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Num 34:1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: Num 34:2 Commaunde the children of Israel, and say vnto them: When ye come into the lande of Chanaan, this is the lande that shall fall vnto your inheritaunce, [euen] the lande of Chanaan with her coastes. Num 34:3 And your south quarter shalbe from the wyldernesse Zin, along by the coast of Edom, so that your south quarter reache vpon the syde of the salt sea eastwarde. Num 34:4 And fet a compasse from the south vp to Acrabim, and Recahe to Zinna: And go out fro the south to Cades Barnea, and go out also to Hazar Adar, and go along to Azmon. Num 34:5 And fet a compasse agayne from Azmon, vnto the riuer of Egypt, and shall go out at the sea. Num 34:6 And let your west quarter be the great sea, let the same sea be your west coast. Num 34:7 And this shalbe your north quarter: ye shall compasse your border from the great sea, vnto mount Hor. Num 34:8 And from mount Hor, ye shall describe your border, tyll it come vnto Hemath, & the end of the coast shalbe at Zedada. Num 34:9 And the coast shall reache out to Ziphron, and go out at Hazar Enan: This shalbe your north quarter. Num 34:10 And ye shall describe your east quarter from Hazar Enan to Sepham. Num 34:11 And the coast shall go downe from Sepham to Ribla on the east syde of Ain: And the same border shall descend and go out at the side of the sea of Cenereth eastwarde. Num 34:12 And then go downe along by Iordane, and leaue at the salt sea: And this shalbe your land, with the coastes therof rounde about. Num 34:13 And Moyses commaunded the chyldren of Israel, saying: This is the land which ye shal inherite by lot, and which the Lorde commaunded to geue vnto nine tribes and an halfe. Num 34:14 For the tribe of the chyldren of Ruben, according to the housholdes of their fathers, and the tribe of the chyldren of Gad accordyng to their fathers householdes, and halfe the tribe of Manasse, haue receaued their inheritaunce. Num 34:15 Two tribes and an halfe haue receaued their inheritaunce on the other side of Iordane, ouer agaynst Iericho eastwarde. Num 34:16 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: Num 34:17 These are the names of the men which shall deuide the lande vnto you: Eleazar the priest, and Iosuah the sonne of Nun. Num 34:18 And ye shall take also a Lorde of euery tribe, when ye deuide the lande. Num 34:19 The names of the men are these: Of the tribe of Iuda, Caleb the sonne of Iephune. Num 34:20 Of the tribe of the chyldren of Simeon, Semuel the sonne of Amiud. Num 34:21 Of the tribe of Beniamin, Elidad the sonne of Cislon. Num 34:22 Of the tribe of the chyldren of Dan, the lorde Bucki, the sonne of Iogli. Num 34:23 From among the chyldren of Ioseph, for the tribe of the chyldren of Manasse, the lorde Haniel, the sonne of Ephod. Num 34:24 Of the tribe of the childre of Ephraim, the lorde Camuel the sonne of Siphtan. Num 34:25 Of the tribe of the sonnes of Zabulon, the lorde Elisaphan the sonne of Pharnach. Num 34:26 Of the tribe of the chyldren of Isachar, the lorde Palthiel the sonne of Asan. Num 34:27 Of the tribe of the sonnes of Aser, the lorde Ahihud the sonne of Salomi. Num 34:28 Of the tribe of the chyldren of Nephthali, the lorde Pedael, the sonne of Ammihud. Num 34:29 These are they whom the Lord commaunded to deuide the inheritaunce vnthe chyldren of Israel in the lande of Chanaan.

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