King Jems Nupela Testamen

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The King Jems Nupela Testamen is a Pidgin English translation of the New Testament by Bearing Precious Seed.

From the Preface:

This bible is a translation of the English King James New Testament into the Pidgin language of Papua New Guinea. We have strived to keep it an accurate and true translation of the King James text. It is our wish that God will use this translation for the strengthening of His church and to His glory and honor.

The Pidgin translation of the King James English text is copyrighted. This is done to preserve the King James text in the Pidgin language. Any of the Pidgin text may be reproduced only exactly as translated without written permission.

First edition New Testament - 1996 - 10,000 Second edition New Testament - 1998 - 50,000

In Pidgin


Mipela i laik tok tenkyu na givim dispela Baibel long ol man husat i helpim mipela long planti yia long tanim King Jems Nupela Testament i kamap long tok Pidgin. God bai givim gutpela pe long yupela bihain na dispela pe i stap oltaim oltaim.

Dispela Baibel em King Jems Inglis Nupela Testamen mipela i tanim long tok Pidgin bilong Papua New Guinea. Mipela hatwok long tanim stret na larim em i stap wankain tok olsem i stap long King Jems Baibel. Mipela laikim bai God i yusim dispela Baibel long strongim sios bilong Em na God i kisim biknem na ona long dispela.

See Also

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