Minuscule 18

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Minuscule 18 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), δ 411 (Soden). It is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament. According to the colophon it was written in the year 1364 CE.[1]



It is one of few copies of the whole New Testament and the Book of Psalms. It is written on 444 parchment leaves (28.9 by 21.3) in one column per page with 23 lines per page in large uncial letters.[2]

It contains prolegomena, tables of κεφαλαια, κεφαλαια, lectionary markings, αναγνωσεις, subscriptions, στιχοι, synaxaria, Menologion, Euthalian apparatus, but does not have the Eusebian Canons.[3]

It is one of the few copies of the whole New Testament. The order of books is: Gospels, Acts, Catholic epistles, Pauline epistles, Apocalypse.[2]


The Greek text of the codex is a representative of the Byzantine text-type. Aland placed it in Category V.[4] It belongs to the textual family Family Kr.[5]


The colophon, at the end of the codex, on the page 444 informs: Η παρουσια θεια βιβλος εγραφη μεν, και ετελεστη κατα την μεγαλην πολιν εν τη σεβοτατη των μαγγανων μονη κατα το ςωοβ ετος. εδοθη δε και αφιερωθη παρ εμου νικηφορου του μυζιθρα της λακεδαιμονος καστρω περιεχουσα το ιερον ευαγγελιον και τον πραξαποστολον και το ψαλτηριον μετα της αυτου προθεωριας και της του θεολογου αποκαλυψεως.[6] According to this colophon the manuscript was written in the year 6872, it means in 1364 CE, by Nicephorus Cannavus at Constantinople. Nicephorus, son of Kannabe, presented it to the monastery to Myzithra.[6]

It was bought in 1687 in Constantinople.[3]

It was examined by Wettstein, Griesbach, Scholz, Gregory, Reiche,[2] and Hoskier.

It is currently housed at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Gr. 47) at Paris.[1]

See also


  • 1. K. Aland, M. Welte, B. Köster, K. Junack, Kurzgefasste Liste der griechischen Handschriften des Neues Testaments, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1994, p. 48.
  • 2. Gregory, Caspar René (1900). Textkritik des Neuen Testaments, Vol. 1. Leipzig. p. 133.
  • 3. F. H. A. Scrivener, A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (London 1894), Vol. 1, p. 193.
  • 4. Kurt Aland, and Barbara Aland, "The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism", transl. Erroll F. Rhodes, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1995, p. 138.
  • 5. F. Wisse, The profile method for the classification and evaluation of manuscript evidence, William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1982, p. 92.
  • 6. J. M. A. Scholz, Biblisch-kritische Reise in Frankreich, der Schweiz, Italien, Palästine und im Archipel in den Jahren 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821: Nebst einer Geschichte des Textes des Neuen Testaments (Leipzig, 1823), p. 3.

Further reading

  • Herman C. Hoskier, Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse 1 (London 1929), pp. 150-157.

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